Nearly four in ten (38%) permanent employees who responded to our survey expect to leave their current job in the coming year. A further 27% are unsure whether they will stay or go. Only 35% said they definitely expect to be in their job for the next 12 months.
Respondents who rated their current stress levels as ‘high’ are significantly more likely to seek to move in the next year than those who rate their stress as either moderate or low. Perhaps unsurprisingly, respondents who currently experience low stress are significantly more likely than the others to say they will stay in their role for the coming year.
Among those who expect to move jobs this year, 80% said they are actively looking for a new role. The reasons for moving tend to be related to an unsatisfactory working environment rather than practical factors – only 23% cited a planned move to another country and 8% are facing layoffs/redundancy.
For the rest, top drivers to seek new employment are:

Respondents in permanent roles were asked to rate their levels of satisfaction with various aspects of their current job, from ‘Very Satisfied’ to ‘Very Dissatisfied’. Overall, 52% are either satisfied or very satisfied with their current employment.
Looking at average satisfaction levels, the areas that tend to be most positively rated by employees are cultural: colleagues, hours, location, office environment and company culture all score well. However, employees are less happy in relation to the financial aspects of their employment. Salary and benefits, while still edging into an average ‘satisfied’ score, are rated lower than those cultural factors.
Ranking even lower in terms of average satisfaction are factors linked to future prospects. Employees are, on average, neutral to slightly dissatisfied with the training and development on offer at their current role, and even less happy with the career progression opportunities on offer.